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The Known Facts

The Oslo Police Department received several phone calls over the weekend from residents regarding strange behavior among the birds/wildlife located at "Frysja", a known recreational area located just south of Maridalsvannet in Oslo. The Oslo Police's initial investigation into the matter revealed very little -- a few witness reports that are inconclusive without further investigation and some tracks that need further investigation


The Water and Sewerage Authority in Oslo (Vann og Avløp) is anxious to resolve this matter quickly because Maridalsvannet is the main water supply to Oslo. Oslo Vann og Avløp are asking politicians and the police to give all available resources to the solving the crime. The police have called on your specialized team from the Bjørnholt IB Environmental Crimes Unit (ECU) to take over the case.


Maridalsvannet's Strategic Importance

Presently, Maridalsvannet now supplies 90% of drinking water to Oslo and with a secondary supply from Elvåga. Plans are made for a new water supply, but this is not to be finished before 2028. Construction of the tunnel for the new water supply has also recently come under criticism for going over budget making the completion timeline uncertain. With the rise of environmental crime internationally, Oslo Vann og Avløp wishes to increase the security of the drinking water supply by diversifying the potential sources of drinking water. While waiting for the new water tunnel to be made, making sure Maridalsvannet remains a safe drinking source for the people in Oslo is vital!

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